Ford 6000 CD Code

Unlock the original code of your Ford 6000 CD vehicle radio from the serial number

Radio Code Found!
Receiving Time:

Enter Radio Serial Nº

M000281 V024299

E.T.A Code Retrieval : INSTANT

How to Get Radio Code

Online Unlocking Service With Free Ford 6000 CD Radio Security Code Retrieval Search System To Find Your Radio Code Before You Purchase. All Generated Unlock Codes We Supply Are Sent By Email Provided.


Retrieve Code Now! Model Unlocked Online Instant Unlock Service

To get Ford 6000 CD radio code serial, switch ON your radio, the word CODE should be displayed on your screen.

holding down Preset 2 & Preset 6 similtainously, will display your radio's security code number, that is required to get your code.

A Ford 6000 CD serial number is identified by a M or V followed by letter with a SIX digit code for example M Series : M123456 or V Series : V123456

Ford V Series Serial Number
Ford M Series Serial Number

To Enter your Ford 6000 CD code, Switch ON your Ford radio, 'CODE - - - -  should be displayed on the radios screen.

Press Button 1 until the correct 1st digit of the code is displayed.
Press Button 2 until the correct 2nd digit of the code is displayed.
Press Button 3 until the correct 3rd digit of the code is displayed.
Button 4 until the correct 4th digit of the code is displayed.

Now to Input Ford 6000 CD code, you will need to Press & Hold Preset 5 button until the radio unlocks, normally around 2 - 3 Seconds.

Lifetime Free Radio Code Retrieval

If you ever misplace or lose your stereo code, theres no need for you to worry! Once you purchase from us you can retrieve you radio ccode again anytime.